Thursday, August 26, 2010

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus

Hmm..since lame aku tak update aku nak wat byk entri skali..lagipun arini kat office aku takde baik aku isi masa lapang ngan meng'update' blog ni..lately ni aku baca this novel..coz now cam takde life aku menghabiskan masa baca novel la..nak kuar date pun BF jauh..hmm..back to the topic..this book mmg best la i tell u..aku pinjam dr adikku yg tak berapa nak cute tp perasan kiut, Alia..buku ni cite pasal relationship between men and women..yg memang aku rase kena sebijik kat batang hidung aku..meh nak kongsi sikit smpi yg aku dah baca..

1. Penulis tu ckp pasal differences between men and women..1 of the differences is the way we deal with stress or any problems..For men, or he called them Martians(coz they are from Mars), if Martians under stree or having any difficulties, he will tend to go to his cave..Meaning, he want to be alone and dont want his gf to ask anything or trying to solve his problems..Martian would like to solve everything on their own..coz it will make them feel very strong and powerful and can be rely on..therefore if Venusians trying to help them by asking too many questions(it's normal la for us coz we care and want to share everything together kan), it will lead to arguements...from here aku da nampak yg aku penah wat cam tu kat b aku..sebab for me, i want him to share and if he went into his cave without telling me aku akan rase upset and rase cam die tanak aku dah..bile aku tny he was like dont want to tell me and aku keep on pushing him smpi jadi gaduh..coz we dont understand our differences..but now aku dah taw la after bace buku ni..
2. As for us, Venusians, we love to care and share about almost's our way of putting away everything for awhile..kan?The author said that women like to talk because when they talk and share problems with their martians, they will feel so relieved..and women need support from her partner.she just want him to listen to her without telling her what to do to solve it..but as for martians, they will tend to give solutions and that will upset the venusians..So guys, just be a gud listener and give warm hug if she is in trouble cos that can help her a lot instead of being Mr. Fix It..

tu je la yg aku leh kongsi stakat ni..byk lagi actually but if u guys read on your own, it would be better to understand..then try to compare to yourself..most of us are like that..because we are all different and if we could not understand the differences, it is difficult for us to make it to John Gray for such a great job!!

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