Thursday, September 2, 2010


time jalan2 kat OU td..tot just nak beli gel cushion for my shoes..that day saw it was RM 5 something..but today jd tak jd la nak beli..then drop by kat guardian plak nak check out the price..but lagi expensive than watson..pusing2 kat dalam tu terjumpe plak veet cream yg quite cheap laa..but small one only..nice..i bought one..then pusing again saw lifebouy nye shower cream for since nanti nak travel balik penang time raya,i pun beli la satu..sebelah tu tgk ade nivea lotion..mcm berkenan i take one..then full stop..dlm hati mmg tanak beli dah la..pastu ternampak plak shampoo sunsilk ni..tgh promotion..dpt free conditioner n leave on..i grab one la ape the list of things i bought are :
1. Sunsilk Shampoo(Free Leave On and Conditioner) RM12.48
2. Lifebouy shower cream RM 1.88
3. Veet Hair Removal Cream RM 4.16
4. Nivea Intensive Body Milk RM 2.88

So total is about RM 21.40...berbaloi la jugak for all this since dah lame i tak spend for beauty products ni...So i'm happy I'M DOUBLE HAPPY!!!

Proud to be KPMGians!!

I'm so happy la being KPMGians..mane taknyer..tiap2 hari leh jumpe time lunch me n ika mengular jap..g jalan2 kat OU since we all very super not busy laa..ika want to buy something which is Vienna Bagel..then saje2 i suggest to go to rainforest nak tgk bargain corner..on the way tu nampak ramai org tgh kerumun kat tengah2 we all ni yg sememangnye kaki sebuk pun g la tgk..mane taw ade sale ke..then i saw few people bawak beg biru..i pun so excited..tot diorg bagi goody bag free..yela nak dekat2 raye ni..semangat la pi kat situ..rupe2 nye it's a recording for raya show for TV3..haha..tengok je la..then tengah2 berdiri kat situ..i was like saw's ALLY ISKANDAR!!!i mcm excited sgt..even takde la minat sgt tp ok la...suke he's still single..haha..then i said to ika.."ika,kite nak amek la gambar ngan die"...then i ask ally and he agreed!!sonok nyer...then i saw faizal tahir,fara fauzana,harun salim bachik, datuk farid ridzuan and ramai lagi la..i was like really want to take pic with faizal tahir tapi sgt susah je..tggu2 tp die still tak turun lagi..then give up least dpt ally iskandar..hehe..and the best part is ally tnye where are we from..i said we from KPMG..and he said.."owh..KPMG..tot u all press tadi.."..lawak2..muke aku ni mcm press ke??
BTW,i'm happy coz jumpe artis...

me with ally iskandar...can we be a great couple? =)

Duit Raya...

Today i'm very happy coz nak pi tukaq duit raya kat maybank bawah office ni..
excited la as this is the first tyme aku p tukaq duit raya..and i was like so kaya coz pegang duit almost 2k la..haha tp not my money dad's 700, mine only 300..the rest is acu's n mak's..
bratur tak hingat gak la panjang nyer..ingatkan aku dah awai dah..sebab depan tu depa tulih start leh tukaq duit pukui 9.30 aku pun plan nak pi pukui nak tggu lift lagi 10 minit..then arrived kat concourse dlm 9.25..tot dah awai skali panjang gak la barisan die..dekat sejam gak den nunggu..kul 10.15 baru setel..berat gak la beg eden ni..penuh ngan duit singgit jer..dekat 600 keping..tapi sonok..then org maybank tu bg sampul raya banyak2..nice2..leh la isi 2 hinggit dlm tu..tak mampu nak bg byk2..ok la dr tak bagi langsung..tak macam sedara aku tu..gaji besar tp nak bg duit raya kedekut..ckp nak simpan beli property..tak paham la..
anyway today very happy!!

Thursday, August 26, 2010


nak g jalan2 kat OU since takde keje right back after lunch break!

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus

Hmm..since lame aku tak update aku nak wat byk entri skali..lagipun arini kat office aku takde baik aku isi masa lapang ngan meng'update' blog ni..lately ni aku baca this novel..coz now cam takde life aku menghabiskan masa baca novel la..nak kuar date pun BF jauh..hmm..back to the topic..this book mmg best la i tell u..aku pinjam dr adikku yg tak berapa nak cute tp perasan kiut, Alia..buku ni cite pasal relationship between men and women..yg memang aku rase kena sebijik kat batang hidung aku..meh nak kongsi sikit smpi yg aku dah baca..

1. Penulis tu ckp pasal differences between men and women..1 of the differences is the way we deal with stress or any problems..For men, or he called them Martians(coz they are from Mars), if Martians under stree or having any difficulties, he will tend to go to his cave..Meaning, he want to be alone and dont want his gf to ask anything or trying to solve his problems..Martian would like to solve everything on their own..coz it will make them feel very strong and powerful and can be rely on..therefore if Venusians trying to help them by asking too many questions(it's normal la for us coz we care and want to share everything together kan), it will lead to arguements...from here aku da nampak yg aku penah wat cam tu kat b aku..sebab for me, i want him to share and if he went into his cave without telling me aku akan rase upset and rase cam die tanak aku dah..bile aku tny he was like dont want to tell me and aku keep on pushing him smpi jadi gaduh..coz we dont understand our differences..but now aku dah taw la after bace buku ni..
2. As for us, Venusians, we love to care and share about almost's our way of putting away everything for awhile..kan?The author said that women like to talk because when they talk and share problems with their martians, they will feel so relieved..and women need support from her partner.she just want him to listen to her without telling her what to do to solve it..but as for martians, they will tend to give solutions and that will upset the venusians..So guys, just be a gud listener and give warm hug if she is in trouble cos that can help her a lot instead of being Mr. Fix It..

tu je la yg aku leh kongsi stakat ni..byk lagi actually but if u guys read on your own, it would be better to understand..then try to compare to yourself..most of us are like that..because we are all different and if we could not understand the differences, it is difficult for us to make it to John Gray for such a great job!!

Finally...'s been a while aku tak update blog ni..malas betol..kat umah pun internet tengah dlm proses nak tukar baru..semuanye sebab aritu wireless router aku kena sambar plan nak tukar yg cool unipax tu..tapi cam leceh plak..macam2 diorg nak..slip gaji la surat pengesahan la..tah pape la..pastu tgk alamat umah aku mesti diorg reject owh..ingat sumer dok BA kaye2 ke? abg streamyx tu smart gak walaupun takleh sebut 'S' finally aku amek pakej yg RM110 streamyx blockbuster..sebab malas nak pikir dah..bayar je la kan..hmm..tak jadi la nak sign up for broadband since dah pki streamyx i'll wait for abang streamyx tu pasang the internet for us next week.. gak wat blog ni time FTA kat office..takde keje so leh la aku merepek sorg2 kat sini..bukan ade follower pun nak bace..just nak hilangkan boring n takde keje kat ofis ni..nak cite pasal journey aku kat office..seronok la jadi auditor ni..walaupun ramai yg tak suke auditor but i'm proudly say that i love my job and i love being in KPMG..KPMG rocks!!much better drpd aku intern dulu kat AWS..hmm..stakat ni tak byk sgt job aku handle..aku da wat 3 company so far..ok but a bit tiring klu dpt client yg filing die teruk..but it's all about learning new things..and now aku rase more confident to face people and to ask people about anything..tak takut kena marah lagi..walaupun kadang2 aku sendiri tak paham ape yg aku tny,tapi aku wat je mcm paham so tak la nmpk mcm budak baru..hihi..sengal..

p/s : pic time first day join..
so far aku happy keje kat sini!!n tak sabar nak confirm n nak sign training contract..nak cepat2 abiskan ACCA..then i'll consider about migrating or working at KPMG overseas..hihi..

Monday, May 24, 2010

Juara Baru AF8

Smalam aku tak gerak langsung dr depan tv menunggu final af8..excited giler nak tgk diorg perform konsert final..sebab ade 2 org student favourite aku, maulana n shahir..hikhik..opening was good..ade gimmick dgn pakai baju merah nyer..mcm phantom of the opera pun ade jugak..everyone mesti dah taw kan sape juara??SHAHIR!!!yeayyy!!!best giler...

But before aku ckp pasal kegembiraan melihat shahir menang, aku nak la jugak jd pengkritik tak bertauliah di as everyone know..ade 5 finalist for the concert..and each one has to perform 2 songs..which is one song from the teachers and another one is the new single for them..kat bawah ni aku listkan lagu serta komen aku ttg persembahan diorg sumer..

  1. Iwan (Relaku Pujuk by Spider & V.I.P)

  2. Daus (Doktor Pakar Cinta by Yusry KRU & Kenapa)

  3. Adira (Tiru Macam Saya by Sheila Majid & Ku Ada Kamu)

  4. Maulana (Susun Silang Kata by Aizat & RSVP)

  5. Shahir (Biru Mata Hitamku by Wings & Kebahagiaan Dalam Perpisahan)

Pada pandangan aku, persembahan Iwan malam tu ok ok la..tak de aura sgt..Relaku pujuk wa nmpk sgt die ter distract dgn kehadiran tam spider..and suara tam lg jelas dr supposed to be iwan punye konsert tu la..iwan mcm tenggelam skit..but i like his new image..rambut baru die nmpk lg kemas n smart klu nak compare dgn b4 ni yg agak serabut..lagu single VIP tu ok jugak..sedap dgr la..catchy..seswai ngan genre die..n sng nak attract teenagers skrg i think bleh kot iwan nk kena work hard la nak compete ngan band2 cam bunkface n hujan..

Daus plak tak berape meyakinkan aku..vokal mmg ke laut la..persembahan die mlm tu juz mengharapkan die punye lakonan dlm nyanyian je..klu nk base on suare mmg die out la awal2..actually aku tak berape setuju daus masuk final sebab mggu b4 final tu persembahan die truk..slalu tak ingat lirik..pada aku ain patut pegi final bukan nak wat cane kan bile jari dah menjadi juri..sape yg byk duit die la menang sms..masalah ngan masyarakat kite ni diorg undi bukan sebab bakat tp sebab rupe n so on..slalu mcm yg tak deserve menang pun bleh menang asal ade rupa n duit..betol tak?

Adira je seorang peserta pompuan yg survive masuk final..korg prasaan tak kalau rancangan realiti kat malaysia ni pompuan susah sgt nak menang?kenape ek?sebab yg mengundi byk pompuan so diorg mmg akan undi lelaki ke?atau sebab pompuan takde bakat mcm lelaki?performance adira utk lagu ku ada kamu mmg best..vokal mmg mantap..die mmg konsisten dr she deserve the 2nd place la..aku rase die tak menang mungkin sebab she's too overreacted dlm akademi..yela sikit2 nak nangis plus always cr simpati kat cam..people nowadays da tak makan da benda2 dah muak n menyampah..klu die low profile n kurang gewdix..mesti org lg suke die..sorry babe..i'm juz voicing out my opinion..lagu tiru mcm sy tu kureng best la..sbb die kurg gedik..asal die tak leh gedik kat atas pentas tu?tp dlm akademi bleh plak kan?slah tempat la adira..klu kasi over skit time final tu msti best..ape2 pun all the best!!

Maulana adalah antara student favourite aku..sebab aku rase die ade bakat besar..and suare die mmg sedap la..tak dinafikan..mgkin rmi yg tak suke mau sebab die kinda berlagak maybe that's his personality..maybe die tak maksud nak berlagak kot..lagu RSVP tu aku mmg suke abis la..sesuai sgt ngan suare mau..cume lagu kedua tu kureng skit la..persembahan die tak dpt nak bg aku rase goosebump..but i think die bleh pegi jauh klu die btol2 usaha..or maybe die leh join teater muzikal ke..sebab die cam pndi buat benda2 cam tu..good luck mau!!

And the last one is Shahir!!Our Winner!!Lagu kebahagiaan dlm perpisahan tu mmg terbaik wokk!!aku suke giler..sedih..mcm nk nangis tgk shahir perform..mau tak meremang bulu roma bile dengar suare jantan shahir..da la handsome..aaarrgghh!!cair nye aku..sorry mr. awan..hehe..=) Tapi shahir mmg patut menang sebab die ade sumer..suare best..rupe ade..perangai elok..leh jadi ikon ni..artis mcm ni la kite perlu utk jd ikon..bukan yg merapu2 kat luar tu..Aku doakan shahir akan kekal lame dlm industri ni..cepat2 la wat album..aku nak beli..mak aku pun mmg peminat setia shahir..siap afundi lagi..bapak aku geleng kepale jer..shahir ni mcm kelahiran semula mawi kan?dulu pas mawi dimasukkan semula,naik trus name n undian die..same as shahir la...pas afmasuk trus die no. 1..before ni susah shahir nak naik..ape ape pun..aku tetap menyokong mu shahir..Hidup Shahir!

Sekian la post aku sbg pengkritik tak bertauliah ni..

p/s : gambar sumbangan

Saturday, May 22, 2010

New Journey Will Begin Soon

I just completed my BAcc in Accountancy (Hons) recently..It feels so good to be free from being a student..But i'm going to miss all of those sweet memories i'm having during my 4.5 years there..I'm also gonna miss my bestfriends and my coursemate..

The new journey will begin..i'm no longer a student..move on to adult life soon..becoming future important person in accounting field perhaps =)

I wonder how's life as a working woman..Is it tough?Is it challenging?Am I prepared enough to face all those obstacles,the up and down of my carreer?hmmm...i can't answer till i experience it myself..

I got two job offer right now..still wandering which one to in the road not taken, the situation here same for of the offer was from the big 4(Firm E) and most of my friends are, my parents, aunts and uncles and also my neighbours all suggesting me to take up that offer..the other one was also from big 4(known as Firm K) which is less taken by others..why is that so?now i'm confused..afraid that i'll make a decision that i'll regret later..

But my heart keep saying that i should that the road that is less taken by others..why is that?there are several reason why i think i should choose K :

  1. After being short listed, i have to take up assessment which consist of english test, mathematical test and writing test. FYI, to join E, we does not have to take up any test. Just go straight away to the interview.
  2. After the assessment, then they short listed again for interview.
  3. During the interview, i've spent about a day to prepare for it.and the interview session takes more than 1 hour..instead of 30 minutes interview by E.. other words i think that maybe K are very particular in choosing the best employee that it shows that i'm one of the best candidate to fill the vacancy because out of 32 candidates, they only hire about 10 candidates from my makes me think that i have what they are looking for..

It's not that i'm saying that E is not is good,very good instead..but the way they conduct the interview is like they don't really appreciate us..and they interview me in hurry..and giving me perceptions that i dont belong there.. =(

wow!my post is too long..think i shud stop now or else i will start bubbling something that i shud not do..hikhik..
P/S : every night before sleep i still considering which way to go..*wink

Friday, May 21, 2010

New Born of Princess Evy

Today is the beginning of a new creation by me, Princess Evy..I'm a newbie here who love to express my feelings on anything that come across my need to take a break first to find some inspiration to create my first post(excluding this)..hihi..

See ya later!!