Saturday, May 22, 2010

New Journey Will Begin Soon

I just completed my BAcc in Accountancy (Hons) recently..It feels so good to be free from being a student..But i'm going to miss all of those sweet memories i'm having during my 4.5 years there..I'm also gonna miss my bestfriends and my coursemate..

The new journey will begin..i'm no longer a student..move on to adult life soon..becoming future important person in accounting field perhaps =)

I wonder how's life as a working woman..Is it tough?Is it challenging?Am I prepared enough to face all those obstacles,the up and down of my carreer?hmmm...i can't answer till i experience it myself..

I got two job offer right now..still wandering which one to in the road not taken, the situation here same for of the offer was from the big 4(Firm E) and most of my friends are, my parents, aunts and uncles and also my neighbours all suggesting me to take up that offer..the other one was also from big 4(known as Firm K) which is less taken by others..why is that so?now i'm confused..afraid that i'll make a decision that i'll regret later..

But my heart keep saying that i should that the road that is less taken by others..why is that?there are several reason why i think i should choose K :

  1. After being short listed, i have to take up assessment which consist of english test, mathematical test and writing test. FYI, to join E, we does not have to take up any test. Just go straight away to the interview.
  2. After the assessment, then they short listed again for interview.
  3. During the interview, i've spent about a day to prepare for it.and the interview session takes more than 1 hour..instead of 30 minutes interview by E.. other words i think that maybe K are very particular in choosing the best employee that it shows that i'm one of the best candidate to fill the vacancy because out of 32 candidates, they only hire about 10 candidates from my makes me think that i have what they are looking for..

It's not that i'm saying that E is not is good,very good instead..but the way they conduct the interview is like they don't really appreciate us..and they interview me in hurry..and giving me perceptions that i dont belong there.. =(

wow!my post is too long..think i shud stop now or else i will start bubbling something that i shud not do..hikhik..
P/S : every night before sleep i still considering which way to go..*wink

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